



Civic Opening














Civic Opening






MARCH 2015


Vanuatu Cyclone - The devastation caused by cyclone 'Pam' in Vanuatu is said to be one of the worst disasters ever to hit the area, much of the infrastructure has been wiped out, and many buildings and homes destroyed. Please pray for the relief operation, for all those who have lost everything in the cyclone, and Christian organisations trying to provide help.


Colin & Christine Raggett (Palapye) report that they are expecting a visit from Dan & Gwen Gillies (Scotland) from the 24th March for a month. Dan will be busy most days, and through an interpreter will be either preaching the gospel or taking Bible study meetings. He will also be speaking at the Serowe Easter Conference.

D R of Congo

Mary Ratter reports that the choice of Administrator has been made. He is a local man, MWAJI CHIHUNGU, who is a teacher in the secondary school and an elder in a nearby assembly. Please pray with us that this is really of the Lord & that he will soon grasp the ins and outs of the hospital work.

We are also asked to pray for KAPUMBA MANGIZA and his wife who have just lost their 3 yr old daughter. Kapumba is a gifted Bible teacher.


Robert and Sheena Revie (DPG Ethiopia 1969-1979) – Robert has been invited to a conference in March, to celebrate God’s work in the west of Addis since 1990. He will leave the UK on 25th February and be in Ethiopia for a month. Pray for safety in travel and a time of blessing, and pray for Sheena who will stay at home.


Rodney and Joy Brown (Cape Town) - Rodney is due to travel to Windhoek, Namibia on 8th March for a ‘Seed Sowers’ outreach. He will be working with a team of believers from various countries. Literature will be distributed in various lang uages during the day, and Gospel meetings held in the evenings. Please pray for the Lord's blessing on this outreach. Rodney is due to return to South Africa on 18th March. 

Steve and Gill Davies (Dar-es-Salaam) - The kids club activities at WWT continue to be well attended, the children singing choruses, learning Bible memory verses and listening to Bible stories. Pray for these children that the Lord will touch their hearts, and that they will grow to be faithful followers of Christ.

Ronnie and Anne Cairns (Echoes 1960-2012) will be visiting Japan for meetings, ministry, teaching, evangelism and hospitality, visiting a number of assemblies in the Osaka area as well as further afield from 18th March – 28th April. Pray for safety in travel, good health and that they would be a blessing and encouragement to those they meet.

Multan Women’s Christian Hospital.  Please continue to pray for Yunis Lal Din and his family. In particular please pray for Yunis who is still receiving chemo treatment, and for Shysha, his daughter, who was badly injured in the car accident last year, and still faces many health difficulties and ongoing treatment. Roya, her daughter has recently had surgery to remove metal plates from both her legs. Pray for all the family as they steadily recover from their very traumatic ordeals. In addition, pray for Corbs and Laali, Roya’s brother and sister who were also involved in the accident. Pray for Josh, Shysha’s husband as he supports his family and pray that they will all experience healing and comfort physically, mentally and spiritually.

Heber and Fiona Gallitto (Parana) write: Bellavista is a town with no assembly testimony, although a piece of land has been donated for the building of a local church. Please pray for Nestor and Patricia Valorta, national workers, who will be working with Heber and a team of young people from JUnTOS in their desire to plant an assembly in this town. Please pray for this pioneer ministry and that Nestor and Patricia will be able to rent a reasonably sized house which will be used to host various evangelistic teams as they seek to establish an assembly witness.

Heber and Fiona Gallitto will be involved in a series of training courses and meetings from 27th – 29th March. Please pray for them over these few busy days, especially for Fiona as she is in a lot of pain from arthrosis.


Jeff & Denise Watson ask for Prayer for the following:

·                  A Need of evangelization around the hall and in the town.

·                  Pray also for spiritual growth and desire to full fill our Lord’s work amongst local saints.

They also ask prayer for DL, a contact who has cancer. She has been to various assembly meetings, enjoys attending, and has recently requested a Bible. She has been admitted to hospital to receive treatment and Denise plans to visit her there. Pray that Denise will be given the words and wisdom to help DL understand the message of salvation.


Peter Smith informs us that Elaine has had a bad fall and damaged ligaments in an ankle. They would value our prayers for Elaine's speedy recovery. She is spending her time sat on the settee marking PBS lessons.

Malcolm and Hannah Coombes (senior workers) - Pray for the distribution of Arabic tracts and Christian literature, which is an effective tool by which many can be reached with the Gospel message. CD’s and Gospel ‘apps’ can also be used and are available for evangelism. Pray for those who will receive them.

Graham and Alison Black (Bouc Bel Air) – Please continue to pray for the ‘Voice of the Gospel’ ministries. At present they are sending out packages of radio programmes to 50 radio stations around the French speaking world who will broadcast them. Pray that as these go on air, many will be blessed as a result of hearing the content.

David and Brigitte Sutherland (Lyon) – On 22nd March Marie-France plans to be baptised at the assembly in Lyon. Pray for her and for all those who visit and hear her testimony.
Gerry and Dorothy Seed (Nantes) ask continuing prayer for the book shop in Nantes, for the opportunities to witness to customers, and for the staffing needs. Pray that new helpers would come forward for the day to day running of the shop, and that Gerry would be able to train someone to take over the responsibility of the orders. In addition, on 22nd March an international meal is planned to which the believers will invite their friends and an evangelist will give a short message. Pray that through the Gospel message and through conversations many would be encouraged to seek to know more about the Lord.


Ruth Cushing (Wirral) regularly meets with various female contacts to share, counsel, pray and read the scriptures. Pray that she would be given wisdom, patience and compassion for those who face many difficulties, and pray that she would be led by the Lord to visit appropriate new contacts.


Noel and Liza McMeekin (Cootehill) continue with the Postal Bible Prize-Giving this coming week. They will be at Tralee (23rd March) and Newcastle West (24th March). Pray for safety in travel, and that the Word of God will have a lasting impression and many will be drawn to Christ. In addition, pray for David Stevens who will be speaking at Tralee. So far over 3,500 people have attended the Prize-giving and listened to a Gospel message.

Colin and Rosemary Sheldon - Colin will be taking nine ‘Bible Explorer’ classes each week before Easter. In some of the schools, he is in the 12th successive year of teaching.  Please pray for strength to make these lessons exciting and engaging for the children.  Pray also for Rosemary in her ministry to the ladies. On 21st March a Ladies Breakfast & Bible Study will take place.  In addition, there will be the usual monthly Bible study and Coffee Hour. Continue to pray for blessing as these ladies study God’s Word.

Andrew and Lorna Burt – On 20th March they will be taking about thirty young people from the youth club and Bible study on a weekend away. A number have also invited their friends. They would value prayer for the preparation of this weekend, and that the young people will have fun, form lasting friendships, and that the Lord will speak powerfully into their lives, bringing them to make a clear commitment to live for Him. In addition, on 28th March a Family Fun Night outreach has been planned. They will be inviting along the children and parents from the clubs as well as encouraging the believers to invite their friends and family. Pray that this event will be used by God to reach into people’s lives and provide a stepping stone for them to come to faith in Christ.

Ken and Alison Barrett (Madrid) – Request prayer for the young people who congregate around the Kofi Jaus (coffee house) ministry in Alcala de Henares. Pray that they would be drawn in to a ‘Youth Alpha’ course and that the Gospel will penetrate their spiritual darkness.


Colin and Liz Breeze (DPG 1992-2012) – Colin will be leaving the UK and travelling with Rob Woodhouse to Zambia from 2nd March – 10th April. They will be working on a Brass Tacks project to help Steve Studd (see February Missionary Newsletter) who runs Mission Support services in Chingola, construct a garage to maintain large vehicles. They would appreciate prayer for good health, safety in work and travel and that all the materials would arrive on time.