



Civic Opening














Civic Opening




His Name shall be called……….


Previously we have looked at the first 3 of the 5 Names of the Lord given in prophecy in Isa 9:6. This devotional completes that series of Names mentioned in that verse.

The everlasting Father. How complex is the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ! In the same verse the prophet calls him a “child,” and a “counsellor,” a “son,” and “the everlasting Father.” These are not  contradictions, but reminders that He who was an infant was at the same time , “infinite”; He who was the Man of Sorrows was at the same time also God over all, blessed for ever. He who is in the Divine Trinity always called the Son, is also  called “the everlasting Father.”

A word of warning. It is necessary  to recognise that the Messiah, although here called “Father”, is distinct from Him who is called “THE FATHER.” Our Lord’s proper name, so far as the Godhead is concerned, is not the Father, but the Son. The Son is not the Father, neither is the Father the Son. Though they are one God, yet the distinction of persons needs to be made.

The title Everlasting Father conveys the idea of eternity and the unchanging nature of our Lord (Heb 13:8).

In what sense then is Jesus a Father?  The Bible has Adam as the man from whom we have all descended as our first earthly father, but it also talks of a last Adam in 1 Cor 15:45. The first Adam was the father of all living; the representative man through whose disobedience we have been made sinners (Rom 5:12). The last Adam is the Lord from heaven  In our natural birth we are descendants of Adam; if we have been born again we are now under the Fatherhood of the last Adam, even the Lord Jesus Christ. Through our earthly fathers  we came into this world, and through the everlasting Father divine life has been given to us.

Christ then is a Father to those who have been born again by His Spirit. He is an "everlasting Father". He will never die, and His children will never be orphans. He is the tender, faithful, guardian, and provider for His people. We will never lack the divine love and care of a true father.

The Prince of Peace At Christmastime the carols sound out the message peace on earth, goodwill toward men. There is a universal desire throughout the world for peace. So many wish to live in peace and quietness without the fear of war, turmoil, confusion, and strife. There are peace plans, and peace initiatives and peace agreements. The best of politicians, strategists and military experts attempt to establish peace, but war seems to be always just round the corner. All our efforts are temporary and fragile at best, yet if the human race really wants peace we can have it, but at a price. The price is refusing to do things our way and being willing to do things God's way.

To this restless world God sent the Prince of Peace who made peace between God and men through the blood of His cross. Therefore today an individual will have peace with God if he/she has faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Before He left this scene the Lord said, "My peace I give unto you" (John 14:27). The Lord's peace is different to the world's peace; it is heavenly and not dependent on outward circumstances. His peace passes all understanding and can keep the heart (Phi 4:7). May we truly experience His peace, the peace of sins forgiven.

The United Nation’s headquarters in New York City has a portion from Isaiah adorned on a marble wall which reads, “They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore” (Isa 2:4). However, they conveniently left off the first part of the verse that reads, “And He [God] shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people.” They left off the only means whereby the latter part of the verse can be achieved. World peace will not come by the human efforts of the United Nations but by the supernatural intervention of God.

In practice then only the Lord Jesus Christ will bring peace to the nations of the world. This peace will begin in the millennium when, according to Rev 20, Satan will be bound for a thousand years. Isaiah rightly describes Him as the Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon His kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.