



Civic Opening














Civic Opening







The Newsletter was updated on 9th November. Updates are highlighted in yellow.

The Newsletter was further updated on 23rd November. Updates are highlighted in blue


Brian & Debbie Howden are due to return to the UK on 12th November.

 Jonathan and Alex Singleton are also visiting Camundambala. The purpose of their 2 month visit (visa renewals after 30 days permitting) is to complete many practical tasks including rebuilding Ruth Hadley’s Landrover, fitting doors and windows in an extension, and many other jobs which are always on-going. Please pray for this work as Jonathan is not responding to two types of treatment for his back. A specialist is querying compression of the nerves.

Ruth Hadley plans to return to Angola on 17th November. Please pray for safety in travel and that the Lord will give her strength for all the activities she will return to.

Joy Griffiths – Please pray for the drought situation in Gabarone. The Gabarone dam has been empty for months and a number of days will pass with no water available from the taps. Pray that the Lord would work in this situation.



Mary Ratter (Katoka) and many friends, are rejoicing that she has had the privilege of serving the Lord for 50 years in the Congo. Her sister Annie, with Tony Harvey, have now joined her. Please praise the Lord for the privilege of serving Him. 



Geoff Payne
(UK) would value prayer for his travels to Egypt on the 27th November. Pray for good health, safety in travel and that good connections would be made with churches in various areas.


Stephen and Gail Harper (DPG Malawi 2003-11) would value prayer for the distribution of 100,000 gospel calendars, which are being printed in Malawi and could potentially be delayed. Pray that the Lord would allow this activity to run smoothly and that lives will be touched by the calendars received.
Steve and Gill Davies (Dar-es-Salaam)
– Please pray for Gill’s mother who has recently been diagnosed with bowel cancer. She is scheduled to have an operation this week. Pray that the Lord would work in this situation and give her the strength she needs to make a full recovery.


Debbie Scott would value prayer for the staffing needs at Amano school as there are a number of positions that need to be filled next year. Please pray for the Lord’s provision and guidance when seeking new staff for the school.

Rod and Marja Boatman would value prayer for two Chinese mission workers, J.J and Patricia, who are currently applying for a visa to stay in Zambia. They have had the opportunity to share the gospel with a number of Chinese friends in the area and area an excellent witness. Please pray that the Lord would work in this situation and allow them to continue their service in Zambia.

Deryck Jones (Bulawayo) would value prayer for the church at Emthandazweni, which has been going through a difficult time recently and as a result of this, the ministry of providing meals for the orphans and widows was cancelled for two months. Please pray for this work, which recommenced last Saturday.


Heber and Fiona Gallitto (Parana) have found a possible new building for their church, as their current hall is too small. Pray that the preparation and paperwork would come together and that the new building will meet the needs of the church.

Mario and Helen Ponce (Cochabamba) would value prayer for a young people’s conference from 13th- 15th November. Please pray for all those who attend, that their lives will be touched by the Lord and that their relationship with Him will be deepened.


Peter Smith is taking this week (w.c. 2nd Nov.) the last of this year’s Children’s Meetings in the Winkler area. They are planned to leave for St Lucia (West Indies) on Nov. 12th for 2 weeks of Gospel Meetings. They would appreciate our continuing prayers that they might know much of the Lord’s help.



Clive and Hazel Walker (Santiago) would value prayer for Christian literature being distributed to various churches, which has been received with great appreciation. Sixty thousand Spanish calendars have been ordered, which will be shipped in the following weeks. Please pray that they will arrive safely, for there to be no issues at customs, and for their distribution.

Benji and Gill Daniel – Continue to pray for Benji and Gill and they travel around various areas affected by the earthquake in Nepal earlier this year. Pray for wisdom as they try to support and encourage those affected by the disaster, and those who have lost so much.


Ruth Cushing - Work at the Toxteth Women's Centre (Liverpool) is very encouraging, and the number of contacts continues to grow. There are currently 85 ladies attending and 21 on a waiting list. Please continue to pray for this ministry.

Pray for a film evening that will take place at the women’s coffee morning on 27th November, where they will be watching the crucifixion on the ‘Jesus’ film. Pray for all the Muslim’s who attend this viewing, that the Lord would move their hearts and challenge them to know Him as Saviour.

Martin and Margaret Baker (Senior Workers) – Martin is to undergo surgery for a hip replacement on 17th November. Please pray that the surgery will be successful and that he will quickly be restored to a full measure of health and strength.

Gerry and Dorothy Seed (Nantes) would value prayer for a Thanksgiving service arranged for 8th November. There will be a meal arranged, and non-Christians will be invited to attend the whole event. Pray for all the preparation required and for all those who attend, that the message given will make an impact on their lives. 

Gerry and Dorothy Seed would value prayer for a Christmas service being arranged for December, which will act as an outreach to those in the local area. Pray for the preparation involved in this programme and that those who attend to be impacted by the gospel.

David and Brigitte Sutherland (Lyon) would value prayer for a disabled man David meets with on a weekly basis. He is a believer though is in need of encouragement from the Lord. He would like David and Brigitte to have a meal with two of his friends for them to hear the gospel. Please pray for opportunities such as these, that the Lord would honour the faith of those who follow Him.
Briand and Hélène Tatford (Senior Workers) have requested prayer for three evangelists who have gone to Tunisia to maintain the work. The situation in Tunisia is getting increasingly worse, especially with the lack of tourists due to the recent terrorist attack. Please pray for all those involved in this work, and that the Lord would continue to work in this country. In addition, please pray for Briand who is struggling to walk, which is making his preaching responsibilities increasingly difficult.

Margaret Davis (Caen) – The English Christmas Programme will take place on 28th November with a clear gospel message included in the programme. Pray for all those who attend and that the information they receive will make an impact on their lives.

Chris and Michelle Hall – Continue to pray for those affected by the events in Paris. Many people are still shaken by the attacks and in need of reassurance. Remember families who have lost loved ones and those recovering from injuries. 
In addition, pray for the situation in Lebanon where at least 43 people have been killed and more than 200 injured in two bomb attacks. Pray that the Lord will work in these situations and provide comfort for all who are in distress.


Alan and Valerie Kyle (Rambouillet) – Continue to pray as the church search for new premises. The council have refused them the use of the public hall for their Christmas outreach on 13th December. Pray that the Lord would provide suitable alternative premises.


Noel and Liza McMeekin (Coothill) - On Sunday 1st November there will be the baptism in Drum Lake of a girl who trusted the Lord at the Postal Bible School summer camp. She has chosen to be baptised in the lake because she wants her baptism to be a public testimony. Please pray for her, and also that her family will attend.

Andrew and Lorna Burt (Enniscorthy)  are excited to see some new people who have started to come along to  church.  Please pray that they will find a spiritual home with them, and that they will grow in their relationship with the Lord.  It has also been really encouraging to see an increase in the numbers of people coming to our small group Bible studies.  Since September we have been able to start another small group in one of our church member’s home.  Please pray that as a church, we will be committed to studying God’s Word together and learning how to live it out each day.

It is great to have over 20 young people coming along to our youth Bible study each week.  We have some great discussions in our studies based on Paul’s letter to the Philippians as well as in answering some of the young people’s ‘Big Questions.’  Many of these young people are facing major issues in their lives and come under huge pressure from their friends to walk away from God.  Please pray that God will protect their hearts and strengthen their faith in Him and their passion to live for Him.

Colin and Rosemary Sheldon (Dublin) – Please pray for Rosemary who underwent surgery last month, she is now being sent back to hospital and will be referred to a lung specialist in the near future. In addition, John Speirs from Scotland will be preaching at the assembly from 13th – 15th November, pray for all the preparation involved and that the weekend would be a blessing to all who attend.

John and Linda Stanfield (Limerick) would value prayer for the evangelistic Bible study that takes place after the provision of free meals. Pray for unbelievers who attend this event and that through asking questions, they would be brought closer to knowing the Lord.

Luca and Anca Illiano (Naples) – Please pray for Luca who will take part in the 40th Anniversary of GLO in Bristol from 14th – 15th November. Pray for safety of travel and that the event will be a blessing to all who attend.
Giovanni and Hannah Donato (Siena) – Praise God for a recent service that took place in the new church building, where a number of non-believers attended and heard the gospel. Please pray for all those who heard this message, that they would understand their need for a Saviour.


Helen and Jesús Ortiz (Soria) - Please continue to pray for the 'used clothes ministry' in Soria which creates opportunities to visit people in their homes. They will also shortly be preparing Christmas gifts for the children. Please pray that the Lord will work in their hearts, as well as their parents.

Ken and Alison Barrett (Madrid) would value prayer for a meeting for the Spanish follow up of the Lausanne consultation, which Ken is due to attend on Friday 13th November in Madrid. Please pray that mission interest and education would be advanced among God´s people as a result of the decisions taken. In addition, pray for Ken as he journey’s to Galicia, Spain, on 14th November to preach and present the Madrid Bible Teaching Centre´s newest book "Too Hard for God?" as well as the Spanish version of a DVD on the testimony of George Verwer.

Ken and Alison Barrett will be holding a Christmas Supper on 12th December, to which they hope a number of contacts from Kofi Jaus and other community activities will attend. Pray for all those who come, that the gospel message received will make them realise their need for a Saviour.