



Civic Opening














Civic Opening






MAY 2015

Additions to the original Prayer Newsletter are highlighted.



Mary Ratter (Katoka) asks for continuing prayer for Mwaji who is settling into his role as the hospital administrator at Katoka. Pray for Kaumba who has become an elder in the local assembly, and is responsible for church hospitality among other things. Already they have seen positive changes taking place. Pray that the Lord will strengthen, encourage and help these men, and that their enthusiasm will continue.

Mary writes it has been good to have Gordon and Dorothy Stoves with them and they have been busy. They went to Sambembe, a village 7km from them, for an afternoon youth outreach. The crowd of about 300 kids waiting for them was staggering.

Continue to pray for the medical work and the many needy people with whom they come in contact on a daily basis.


Rachel Newby (Lubumbasi) – Give thanks that Munda, who was imprisoned unjustly for five months, has been released (see April Missionary Prayer Requests Newsletter). In addition, please pray for the prison ministry at Kasapa prison, led by Kyungu, and supported each month by different assemblies in Lubumbashi. Pray that aid will be available to support the increasing number of inmates. The churches contribute through practical gifts, food, and preaching at the services, where approximately 400 prisoners attend.



Deryck Jones (Bulawayo) asks us to remember the general poverty in the country as a result of the lack of work and dire economy. Many believers have little of this world’s goods and need continual help. Please pray that they may know God’s help and that both their material and spiritual needs might be met in the days to come.


Ian and Anita Elliott – Anita has to leave the UK on 15th May as her visa expires on 20th May. Ian will remain in the UK. She will apply for another visitor’s visa on arrival in India. The appeal against her settlement visa refusal will take place in Newport on 21st September. Pray for all the family during this time of separation, and that this situation will be resolved as soon as possible.


Benji and Gill Daniel (Other Overseas Services) ask prayer for those affected by the Nepal earthquake that took place on 25th April. In Benji’s field of work in western Nepal, about 100kms west of the quake epicentre, believers were in worship (Nepali churches gather on a Saturday for worship as Sunday is a working day), but none were harmed. Please pray for those involved in the relief operations and that the relief provided would get to those areas and people for whom it is intended.

Through CMML (USA). One of the Assemblies near Kathmandu has collapsed. The Assembly was on the 7th floor and they were meeting when the earthquake hit. Nina, one of the Elders perished and many others were hospitalised & are in a serious condition. Others may have died but this is still to be confirmed.


Peter and Peggy Ferry (senior workers) – From  11th- 24th May a short term Bible school will be held in Phuket for church leaders in rural areas, where Peter will share the teaching with Amnart, a national worker. Please pray for them both, and for all those who attend.



David and Maureen Wood (Chiang Mai)Prayer would be valued for the staffing needs at Grace International School where there are still many vacancies for the next academic year. They ask prayer that God would touch the hearts of professionals around the world to take up these opportunities to serve in Thailand.

Heber and Fiona Gallitto (Parana) ask prayer for Dani, a believer and ex-drug addict. They have recently taken him to a rehabilitation centre as he has been struggling with his addiction. Pray that Dani will make a full recovery, and be able to continue to testify to his life in Christ. In addition, pray for Miguel, who has recently set up a bakery work-shop. Nineteen young people are presently enrolled, several of them with drug problems. Prayer is asked that through these classes, where they learn to bake bread and pizza etc, and also hear a short Gospel message, they will come to trust in Christ, the Bread of Life.

Mario and Helen Ponce (Cochabamba) – Please continue to pray for their ministry to those in the local prison and for Yolanda, Fumico and Maria. Maria should be released soon from prison as her accusers haven't come forward. She is from Santa Cruz and hasn't seen her children for 2 years and 7 months. She truly loves The Lord and reads her Bible every day. Pray that she will have the joy of seeing her family saved.

Eglon and Judith Harris (Orizaba) would appreciate prayer for safety in travel. Each Sunday in May Eglon will be preaching at Puebla; most of their engagements require several hours of travelling.




Colin and Elida Stephen (Shkoder) are busy with some special activities. They have around 12 booked for a 4 week Christianity Explained course that will run during May. Please pray for the salvation of those that attend.  Pray also for the special “Fun Day” activity with the nursery. They are putting on a play area in the yard for the children and inviting the parents for a coffee in the church. Pray for contacts made during that time.


Ann Dryburgh (Kuurne) is meeting with fifteen women on an individual basis and would value prayer. These women are from a variety of backgrounds and situations, and all keen to grow in the Lord.





Gerry and Dorothy Seed (Nantes) - French lessons are to be printed soon by ‘Revival Movement’ in Northern Ireland, and they hope to use these to make BES (Bible Educational Services) known in France, both to individuals and churches. Pray for wisdom to know how to go about this.  The French lessons are already being used in the Congo.


Bert and Wendy Gray (retired workers) – During May a series of ‘Goodseed’ seminars on evangelism and lifestyle, are taking place in Dublin (5th May), Cork (9th), Enniskillen (11th - 12th), Belfast (13th - 14th) and Cardiff (16th May). Pray for those leading the seminars, that they will be well attended, and an encouragement and blessing to all.

Noel and Liza McMeekin (Drum) would value prayer that as Noel prepares messages for a two-week outreach in Armagh, beginning 10th May, the Word spoken would impact the lives of those who will attend. He will travel to Armagh each evening, and would value prayer for safety, for blessing on his ministry, and that God will lead some to faith in the Saviour.
Colin and Rosemary Sheldon (Dublin) would value prayer as they begin preparations for the two weeks of Gospel meetings to be held at caravan parks in July at Newcastle and Northern Ireland. A team of young people will be helping each day and Colin will be using a sketch-board to explain the Gospel message to children who attend. At other times he will be speaking on the sea-front in the open-air.
David and Marion Mead (DPG Italy 1968-2013) – David will travel to Italy on 26th May for an intensive program of meetings, to take place in 15 towns and cities. This will involve a great deal of driving. Pray for his safety in travel, and that he will be an encouragement and blessing to the believers and all those he meets. Pray also for Marion, who is due to join David on June 16th in Italy, but at present is undergoing hospital tests at home.

Nat and Jennifer Rodgers (Skien) asks prayer for ‘Va prisoner who served 16 years of a 25 year sentence.  Now released in accordance with Norwegian law, ‘V’ who studied theology whilst in prison, and graduated a Doctor of Theology, desires now to be a prison chaplain in the future if the authorities agree.  Looking back over the years that this prisoner attended the Bible studies, Nat remembers sharing with the group one day the life of Joseph.  Joseph never dreamed He would be in prison, but God had other plans for his life!  That too we believe can be the testimony of this ex-prisoner now desiring to be a prison chaplain.  Please pray for ‘V’. Continue to pray for the prison ministry.

Nat and Jennifer Rodgers ask prayer that the Lord would raise up young Norwegian men able to teach others the Scriptures. In addition, they would value prayer for a Family Church Weekend to be held this month in Skien, when over 100 are expected to attend.

Peter and Mhairi Fleck (Algeciras) – Pray for opportunities coming up in May and June to take part in Gospel outreach in Medina Sidonia (one of the many towns with no evangelical witness) with art and music workshops. Pray that these steps will be a means to reach the town with the Gospel message.

They give thanks for the Gospel outreach which took place in the centre of Algeciras, where a number of positive conversations took place. In addition, from 15th - 17th May they are having a church retreat. Please pray for all those who attend, that it will be a time of refreshing, but also a challenge as the Word is preached.


Ken and Alison Barrett (Madrid) - Please pray for an increase in Sunday School teachers and an ability to link children from non-church families into evangelistic activities - especially the Evangelical Olympics due to be staged in Madrid on the 9th May.


Alan Barber (Hartlepool) and Derek Taylor (Wallsend) both have daily visits to Schools in the north-east of England in the next 3 months. Please remember in prayer.