



Civic Opening














Civic Opening




JUNE 2015

Prayer requests added to the original document are highlighted.

John and Yokey Roberts (DPG Kenya 1966-2013) - Every compound in the city of Nairobi is guarded by a watchman (security officer) and they are given authority to stop anyone from entering. They work 12-hour shifts, six or seven days a week, for very little money, with the risk of being harmed; they often have ‘day jobs’ to supplement their income. Pray for safety as John ministers to the watchmen and that he would see some come to faith in Christ. 

He would also value prayer for the distribution of Emmaus Bible Courses, and for the continuing outreach work among the ‘watchmen’ security officers.

Stephen and Gill Davies (Dar-es-Salaam)Pray that those who attend the children’s meetings and learn memory verses, will be changed by the power of the Gospel, and come to know Christ while they are young. Recently 260 children attended the Friday children’s meeting.


Steve and Jo Grove (Chingola)Pray for them that as they share the Gospel with various youth groups, encouraging them to read the Scriptures and responding to their questions on spiritual matters. Pray that those who attend these groups would come to know Christ personally. Pray for Frank who wants to study mission and for a young man who, six years ago, was part of the youth discipleship group and who recently has returned to take the devotion at the boys study group.

Barry and Rachel Haigh (DPG Zambia 1966 – 2006) - Please pray for their ministry and the encouragement they hope to give to believers as they visit Zambia, travelling from the UK on 3rd June and returning in October 2015.

The court proceedings with regard to ownership of the land and buildings at Nyangombe are due to recommence in August, and Barry is one of few who knows the full story. Please continue to pray about this.

Eric and Margaret McCaughren (Kitwe) are to spend the month of July with Ruth Hadley at Saurimo in Angola. They have submitted their request at the Angolan Embassy for visitor’s visas, and would appreciate prayer that these will be granted as soon as possible.

Ian and Anita Elliott (New Delhi)Anita had to leave the UK on 15th May as her visa expired on 20th May. Ian will remain in the UK. She is applying for another visitor’s visa - late news: the visitor's visa has been refused . The appeal against her settlement visa refusal will take place in Newport on 21st September. Pray for all the family during this time of separation, and that this situation will be resolved as soon as possible.
Anita cannot be alone in India until September and even then there is no guarantee that the Settlement visa refusal will be overturned. Ian will probably therefore be returning to India. "We appreciate your prayers at this very difficult and discouraging time for us as a family".


Benji and Gill Daniel have recently been in touch with various contacts in Nepal about the next steps to be taken towards recovery. The government will not allow any buildings to be rebuilt until 17th July, from this point onwards each building will have to be earthquake resistant. Pray for this progress and that the Lord will be with all of those involved.

Echoes have sent a gift to help with relief work, and are planning to send further aid when building work commences.
Pray for churches throughout Pakistan. Many have received notice from the authorities demanding improvement to security facilities within 20 days at places of worship, or face a large fine or the imprisonment of the pastor. These measures include barriers at gates, metal detectors, guard posts, closed-circuit cameras and 24hr armed guards. Financing this last requirement will be beyond the monthly income of many churches. Pray for those in leadership as they guide congregations in their respond to this. 

Dick and Irene Robertson (senior workers) Pray for Dick who has been quite unwell and was admitted to hospital. After spending several weeks bed-bound at home, he is now making slow progress. Pray for Irene who is caring for him, whilst continuing with some Gospel ministry at a local hospital and visitation of the elderly in the assembly.

Jim and Betty Burnett (Parana)- During June they will be involved in two retreats for elders. One retreat is to be held in Paraná, and the other in Jujuy Province (650 miles north of Paraná), where on previous occasions, as many as 34 assemblies have gathered for Bible teaching, some travelling on foot for many miles. Jim has been asked to speak on assembly discipline and would value prayer for grace and clarity.


Peter and Sandra Brind – Please remember them in prayer as they minister for the Lord in the Bahamas for two months. Pray for safety of travel, good health, and that they would be an encouragement to believers.

Mario and Helen Ponce (Cochabamba) would value prayer for eleven people taking part in baptism classes. They also ask prayer for G., a neighbour, who has recently undergone a leg amputation due to diabetes. Mario has visited, prayed with him, and left Gospel literature. Pray that G. would continue to be receptive to spiritual conversation, will read the literature given, and commit his life to Christ.


Walter and Elizabeth Alexander (Uberlandia) ask prayer for the Ângelo Testa assembly who are holding their annual conference from 4th – 7th June. A national worker, DaviJané will minister on 4th – 5th and Mark (Walter and Elizabeth’s son) will be responsible for ministry on the 6th and 7th June.

Please remember them in prayer after their house was broken in to, the main gate and the main door being forced open. They praise the Lord that they were not at home when the burglars arrived, and that they have now managed to install more locks and an alarm system in their house.

Clive and Hazel Walker (Santiago) have recently begun children’s meetings on Sunday afternoons. The first week there were 28 children, and the following week 34. Pray that they will continue to attend, and that many will come to know Christ as their Saviour.

Peter and Anne Grover (Lima) would value prayer as they participate in a weekend camp for 50 students from 12–14 June. In addition, pray for
Anne who anticipates taking over responsibility for the Lima English programme from the mission SIM in September. This role will include leading an extra Bible study class, maintaining the Lima English Facebook page, writing monthly bulletins and organising events. Pray for them both as this will involve a greater commitment to this area of ministry.


Enri and Sylvia Nase (Tirana) Pray that a young woman who has been studying an Emmaus course and meeting with Enri and Sylvia for Bible study each week will make a clear step of faith. In addition, there are many new contacts at the local prison interested in the Gospel. Pray that Enri and those involved with the prison ministry would overcome the challenge of visiting them all in one morning.

Anne Dryburgh -
On June 20th, the believers in Rekkem will have an evangelistic stand at an annual festival. Please pray that they will have good conversations and opportunities to share the Gospel with those attending the Festival.

Malcolm and Hannah Coombes (senior workers) plan to distribute Gospels of Matthew, Luke and John, in French, to people in towns within their region. They will also take with them Gospels and New Testaments in Arabic and literature in other languages. Pray that the Lord will guide them to distribute these to the appropriate people.
William and Liz Irwin (Nantes) ask prayer for neighbouring friends who have just found out that their young son is suffering from an addiction. In the past these neighbours have been open to talking about spiritual matters. Please pray that as William and Liz support the family through this crisis, there would be more opportunities to witness to them.

Gerry and Dorothy Seed (Nantes) - French lessons are to be printed soon by ‘Revival Movement’ in Northern Ireland, and they hope to use these to make BES (Bible Educational Services) known in France, both to individuals and churches. Pray for wisdom to know how to go about this.  The French lessons are already being used in the Congo.

Graham and Alison Black – The last in the series of Christianity Explored Bible studies will take place on 12th June. Pray that the three who attend will make a firm commitment to Christ, and pray that the leaders would be wise in making decisions for the next step with this group, whether to continue with further studies, or integrate them into another regular group.
Allan and Anne Kitt (Le Havre) Pray for a recent outreach opportunity where Allan has been able to join a group of international students in the city centre reaching out to other students through regular Bible studies in English. Pray that these contacts will be continued after the summer break when the students resume another academic year.

Colin and Maureen Crow (Montpeller)Pray for six candidates preparing for baptism in Montpellier on June 21st. In addition, pray for Colin who will travel to Madagascar on 26th June for follow up work with the churches and an orphanage with which he is involved. He will be accompanied by his grandson Hugo (19yrs). 
Gerry and Dorothy Seed (Nantes)- Pray for two groups of children from the neighbouring Roman Catholic church who will be brought by their Catechism teachers for a guided tour of the new church building on 17th June, to learn more about the Christian faith. Please pray for these children and for wisdom and opportunities to present the Gospel clearly.
Alan and Valerie Kyle (Rambouillet) - On 20th June, local ministry leaders will meet together for prayer and discussion. Please pray that this will be an opportunity to encourage each other and listen to God's voice for future leading.

Jonathan and Amanda Hanley (Dinan)Jonathan has been asked to teach a course on Christian living to 30 young Turkish Christians, at a four day retreat near Izmir in Turkey from 23rd – 27th June. Pray for Jonathan and Amanda who will accompany him, for preparations, safety in travel, and that they would be a blessing and encouragement to the believers.


Andrea Smith (Lebanon): "I feel compelled to write and ask for your prayers for the city of Tyre . As I write, the city is preparing to bury two more young men whose bodies have been returned from Syria. More young lives gone, more hearts broken and yet still it goes on - such is war.

Just last night I saw a photo from a former student who is only 15 years old - dressed in his uniform ready to go to join the battle. Please pray for him and many others like him. They go because it gives them an identity and a purpose that so many in this town long for. The funeral is about to start for two of them. Please pray!"

In addition, Andrea would value prayer as she travels to Scotland from 13–28 June with a teacher and several students. They have a full programme for their trip and will be attending school in Ayr during the first week. Please pray for safety, for relationships between and with the students, and for a good testimony to be shared in the time spent together.

RAMADAN is due to commence on 18th June and will last for approximately 30 days. This is always an extremely tense time for believers and mission workers in the Islamic world and we are asked to remember them in our prayers.

Andrew and Lorna Burt (Enniscorthy) - About 65 different children have taken part in the Kids’ Clubs this term, and over 50 at the Youth Club.  Prayer is asked that God will water the seed that has been planted in their hearts, and that He will cause it to grow and bear fruit that will last. In addition, each month Andrew and Lorna host a dinner in their home for seven young adults in the assembly.  The challenges these young people face in their Christian lives are huge, as each of them come from non-Christian families.  Pray that they will be supported and encouraged, to keep walking with Christ, despite the pressures that they experience. Prayer is asked in particular for M. His dad died a few years ago and his Mother passed away just a few weeks ago.  Pray that he will know God’s comfort and love through this difficult time.

Noel and Liza McMeekin (Cootehill) would value prayer for the Newbliss Holiday Bible Club, from the 22nd to 26th June.

A ‘STEP’ weekend is taking place from 19th – 21st June.  These weekends are organised for young Christians who are 16+, and take place three times per annum.  Approximately 40 have attended from all parts of Ireland, over the past three years. Pray that it will be an encouragement and blessing to all those who attend. 

Colin and Rosemary Sheldon (Dublin) would value prayer as they begin preparations for the two weeks of Gospel meetings to be held at caravan parks in July at Newcastle and Northern Ireland. A team of young people will be helping each day and Colin will be using a sketch-board to explain the Gospel message to children who attend. At other times he will be speaking on the sea-front in the open-air.

Michael and Shirley McKillen (Gorey) – The Gorey assembly has been meeting in a rented room for five years but now have the opportunity to buy a property consisting of four ground floor units,  providing much more space. It needs a lot of refurbishment however. Pray for a smooth completion of sale with no complications with planning authorities, and that it will be completed in a manner to suit the needs of both the assembly and the community it hopes to reach with the Gospel.

John and Linda Stanfield (Limerick) – 20,000 editions of the 4YOU magazines have arrived in Limerick. Pray that as they and others distribute them, the Lord would speak through the magazines, and that requests for literature and Bibles would continue. In addition, pray for good conversations and replies to literature as Declan and John go out each week with Scripture board and offer Gospel tracts and literature on the streets.

David and Marion Mead (DPG Italy 1968-2013) – David travelled to Italy on 26th May for an intensive program of meetings, to take place in 15 towns and cities. This will involve a great deal of driving. Pray for his safety in travel, and that he will be an encouragement and blessing to the believers and all those he meets. Pray also for Marion, who is due to join David on June 16th in Italy, but at present is undergoing hospital tests at home.

Ken and Alison Barrett (Madrid) – During June Lydia Evans (UK) and Rebecca Guevara (USA) will be helping at the Kofi Jaus (coffee house), which is the community outreach of the Alcala church. Pray that as they assist at Kofi Jaus and learn from this experience, it will prove a blessing to them and to others.

The final Bible study of the term for international students will take place on 22nd June.  Please pray for them, that the truth of the Gospel would continue to convict those who have yet to yield to the claims of our Lord.

Tim and Elena Glasscock (Salamanca) – Tim will be travelling to Poland on 6th June for a six day conference organized by the European Leadership Forum. Pray for safety in travel and that Tim will find the conference challenging and helpful.