



Civic Opening














Civic Opening





5th August. Additional prayer requests to those mentioned on publication of the original web page are highlighted in yellow. 

10th August. Additional prayer requests to those mentioned on publication of the original web page are highlighted in blue.

17th August. Additional prayer requests to those mentioned previously  are  highlighted in pink.

24th August. Additional prayer requests to those mentioned previously  are highlighted in green.


Brian & Debbie Howden are planned to return from Angola on the 9th August (D.V.). Bible teaching meetings at 6am each morning Monday through to Saturday have again been a key feature of this visit; please pray that the Lord will bless His Word to the edifying of many. Please remember them in prayer.


Rachel Newby (Lubumbasi) is due to travel back to the UK on 6th August. Please pray for both safety of travel and for the time she will spend with her mother in Birmingham.






Steve Harper asks for prayer for the third Gospel Outreach trip to Malawi during the month of August. He hopes, with a team of volunteers, to distribute a large quantity of bi-lingual "Seed Sower" texts and other Gospel literature, as well as open-air Gospel preaching and Children's work.

Steve & Gail leave for Malawi on 5th August and the rest of the team over next few days. They would value prayers for safety and particularly for the Lord's blessing upon the word that they will be distributing. They have prepared around 15000 Seed Sower texts and hope to distribute all or most of these, along with the most recent edition of Exploring God’s Word magazine.

John and Priscilla Finegan would value prayer as they will shortly be visiting Malawi, to encourage believers there and increase the supplies of Emmaus courses available. They also plan to visit the prison at Zomba. Please pray for them in all of these activities and that the Lord will keep them safe.


Paul and Dorothy Grieve (Murchison) have been invited to participate at a conference in an assembly near Johannesburg. Please pray for them during this meeting which will take place from 8th-9th August that the message delivered will be an encouragement to the believers who attend.



Ian and Marilyn Campbell (Chingola) have now been granted permission to visit the maximum security prison in Kabwe. Please pray for them in this ministry, that the Lord will give them strength in every situation and keep them safe and that they will be able to establish a meaningful rapport with the prisoners. 

Robert and Margaret Muir (DPG Zambia 1996/75-2005) would value prayer for their visit to Mambilima during August. Please pray for safety and travel and that the Lord would bless their three weeks with those they meet.

Julie-Rachel Elwood (Chitokoloki) - Please pray for a Junior Girls camp that will take place at Chitokoloki from 14th-17th August and for two boys camps that will take place from 7th-11th August and 11th-14th August respectively. Pray that as they hear the gospel, they will understand their need for salvation.



Eric and Margaret McCaughren (Kitwe) will be travelling to Saurimo to help with practical construction work and Eric has been asked to preach in various local churches. Please pray for safety of travel and that their visit will be a blessing and encouragement to those they meet.

Robert and Margaret Muir (DPG Zambia 1996/74-05) will be travelling to Zambia with Shena McCall (national worker) on Monday 17th August. Please pray for safety of travel and that they will be given the strength required for the three-week ministry they have planned.

Hilary Millard is currently in the UK visiting her great niece, who at the age of 16, has only been given a few weeks to live due to terminal cancer. Please pray for both Hilary and her great niece in this situation, and that the Lord will bring some light out of such distress. Pray that he will comfort Hilary during this difficult time and for safety of travel as she returns on Zambia on 1st September.


Deryck Jones (Bulawayo). The testimony at Lupane where there has been an outreach going on for some years, continues to have extraordinary troubles.

The wife of the school teacher who was murdered last year has apparently been taken as a 4th wife by the local chief. In addition, another leader from this group died earlier this year in suspicious circumstances. A decision has been made to move the location of the fellowship further away from the area where there has been such trouble, in the hope that there will be greater freedom for Christian activity.

The fellowship, though small, is still keen to continue to function, so members from our assembly in Bulawayo have continued visiting to encourage them.

Deryck writes that over the past couple of years his responsibilities at the Theological College have been decreasing, as others replace him. But this year, due to a faculty member leaving, he will be doing more, especially in New Testament studies. One such course he has taught this term is the Gospel of Matthew, and it has been a happy experience for him. He hopes for the students too. 

Heber and Fiona Gallitto (Parana) have recently put their church hall up for sale due to lack of space. Please pray for the church family as they look for another hall to rent or buy and for the resources needed to acquire a new building.

Jim and Betty Burnett (Parana)Jim has been asked to speak at an elders retreat in Central Argentina on the subject of ‘Autonomy or Independence.’ Please pray for Jim in his preparation and pray for all who attend the meeting to be strengthened in their relationship with the Lord.

Mark and Carol Lacey – Please remember Mark and Carol in your prayers who have now returned to the UK for five weeks to visit family members. Pray that this will be both a refreshing and encouraging time. They would value prayer for those who will maintain the work of The New Haven during their absence.


Eglon and Judith Harris (Senior Workers) would value prayer for a series of four speaking engagements in the State of Puebla during August. The roads are in poor condition and there have been recent attacks against other national workers. Please pray that the Lord would keep them safe and that He will give them strength for their responsibility in the assemblies.


Clive and Hazel Walker (Santiago) will be travelling to Canada and then Northern Ireland at the end of July. They would value prayer for the assembly in Atalaya while they are away, and that the believers would remain strong in the Lord. Please pray for safety in travel and for Clive and Hazel to enjoy their time spent with friends and family. 

Marijan Nijhof (Gjirokaster) would value prayer for the current water situation at The Hiding Place in Albania. The home currently has no water, which is causing huge problems. A director from the water company has promised to install a separate line directly from the water supply to the house, although Marijan is not sure that this will happen. Please pray for God’s provision in this situation and for the water to be supplied to the home as quickly as possible.

Colin and Elida Stephen are currently helping to run a summer camp, where 150 young people will be attending. Please pray for them in this ministry and for all the young people who attend the camp, that they will be challenged to trust the Lord as their Saviour and fully commit to following Him.
Martin and Margaret Baker (Senior Workers) would value prayer for their next visit to the assemblies in Serbia and Ilok, Croatia, which will take place 17th-28th August. Pray that the Lord will keep them safe during their travels and that this ministry will be both a blessing and an encouragement to the believers they meet with.


Graham & Alison Black (Bouc Bel Air) would very much appreciate prayer for a family camp in which they will be involved at l'Eau Vive from 29th July to 7th August. Graham will be doing the teaching and both will be involved with the people who will be present during the camp.



Mike and Alison Packer (Laval) would value prayer for the process of selling the church building in Laval. The administration of selling is proving to be a challenge and the signing of documents has been delayed. Please pray for them both in this responsibility and that the process will run as smoothly as possible.

Malcolm and Hannah Coombes (Senior Workers) would value prayer for their participation in the Thursday morning Bible stand at an open-air market in Orange. There will be a number of people from across the world visiting the market. Please pray for opportunities to share the gospel and for the Lord to give strength to those running the Bible stand. The stand will be operating on 6th and 13th August, and 10th September.

They had encouraging experiences at the open air market on the 6th August, with a number of people being willing to speak about spiritual matters. Please continue to pray for them in this work and through their literature distribution, that lives will be touched by the gospel.

Margaret Davis (Caen) will be travelling to the UK on 6th August. Please pray for safety of travel and that her time spent with friends and family will be an encouragement.


David and Kay Stevens (DPG Republic of Ireland 1970-2012) – Please continue to pray for David whose treatment for cancer is ongoing. No issues appeared on the MRI or bone scan and radium treatment will commence mid-September.  

David is continuing treatment, which so far has been going well and he has been able to continue open air preaching. Please pray for his health to continue improving and that the Lord will give him strength for all he is involved in.

Noel and Liza McMeekin (Cootehill) would value prayer for the Loughoona Holiday Bible Club, near Smithborough, Co Monaghan which commences on 10th August. Currently, 30-40 children are expected to attend, the majority of whom have never heard a gospel message.

Noel and Liza begin their annual Bible Activity Week this week, where they are hoping up to 100 children will attend. Please pray for them in this ministry and for all the children who attend, to see their need of a Saviour.

Andrew and Gillian Shanks (Newcastle West) will be holding a children's club every morning from 17th-21st August, and distributing literature in the afternoons. The event will finish with a BBQ for all the children and parents contacted during the week. Please pray that this will be a time of blessing and encouragement.

Erion and Victoria Pici (Marsciano) would value prayer for a project they are hoping to start in Marsciano. This will involve members of their church providing food to needy families in the local area. The ministry will require both organisation and a willingness to get involved. Please pray for Erion and Victoria in this ministry and that they will receive wisdom in how to organise such a task.
David and Marion Mead (DPG Italy 1968-2013)David had a pacemaker fitted on 20th July and is now recovering at home. Please pray that it will be an improvement to his health and that he will make a speedy recovery.

Nat and Jennifer Rodgers (Skien) are currently in Northern Ireland to aid Jennifer’s father in searching for suitable accommodation in a nursing home. Please pray for the family in this process and that any complications will be resolved quickly.


Ken and Alison Barrett (Madrid) would value prayer for the community outreach through Kofi Jaus. There are currently no volunteers lined up for the autumn period and help is needed for the work to go ahead. Please pray that the Lord will bring skilled people to do His work, and for the outreach ministry of Kofi Jaus to continue effectively.

Alison will be leading a team of workers to run the kitchens of a Bible conference being held at La Granja near Segovia from the 15th-22nd August. Pray those who attend will profit from the teaching of the Word of God, and pray that the kitchen staff will be given the strength and energy required for feeding all those who attend.


Benji and Gill Daniel have reported that victims of the earthquake in Nepal have now received tarp tents, food packets and other essentials. However, these tarp tents do not provide good enough shelter to combat the force of the monsoon rains and building work cannot commence until September when the rains have passed. Please pray for all those who have already lost so much, pray that God will protect them through the torrential rain that is forecast and that building work can commence as soon as possible to provide them with safe homes.

Benji is planned to travel to Fiji on 29th July and will be staying there until 25th September. Please pray for safety of travel and good health, especially with the recent skin condition he has been struggling with.

Benji says (24-08-15) that the situation in Nepal is looking bleak due to the recent floods in the mountain villages. A huge retaining wall is required to protect Pulbari village where a number of Christians reside. Pray that those who live there will acquire the support necessary for this protection, and pray that the Lord will keep His hand on His people during this ongoing distress.

Pray for the GLO mission team in Enniscorthy, Republic of Ireland, led by Andrew Burt from 1st – 15th August. The team will be involved in children’s, youth and adult’s events as well as literature distribution. Pray that the team members will work in harmony and that meaningful contacts will be made and lives touched by the gospel.

Peter and Ritta Hedley – Please pray for Peter who will be returning to Albania in the coming weeks. Pray that the Lord will take him there safely and that he will be able to cope with the high temperatures.

Pray for the GLO mission team in Eger, Hungary from 11–18 August led by Robert Lemperger and Sam Gibson. This will be the first GLO team to visit Eger and they will be working with an established church, involved in literature distribution and outreach events.