



Civic Opening














Civic Opening










Jonathan and Ruth Singleton - have recently returned to Camundambala for a two month visit. Please pray for wisdom in knowing how to prioritise and complete the practical tasks they will now be tackling. These include agricultural and building projects, and helping the special needs children in the school.


Ron and Maria Cunningham (Senior and Retired) - Would value prayer for the continuing school ministry. They were recently able to share the word of God with 418 secondary school students in 3 different schools and sold 160 Bibles to the students. Two classes have requested a further two boxes of Bibles.


Rodney and Joy Brown (Cape Town) would appreciate prayer for the children’s work in Cape Town. After completing a holiday Bible club, it was a great encouragement to see many children attend and show great enthusiasm. Please pray that the children who attended will be encouraged in their walk with God and that their enthusiasm will continue into their Sunday School classes.


Peter and Isla Gill (Kalene Hospital)- advise that the Kalene Hydro Scheme is currently not working as efficiently as they would wish. Please pray that the problem will be quickly identified and that normal power will be resumed.

Stephen and Jo Grove (Chingola) - Please pray for a young man from the youth group who has recently made a profession of faith, and also for Frank, who is soon to get baptised. At Amano school, Stephen is going through the gospel of John with some of the boys from his class and Jo is looking at Proverbs with three girls from her tutor group. Please remember the family as they prepare to return to the UK on 25th November for 6 weeks.

Barry and Rachel Haigh have returned to Nyangombe for 4 months. They report that it was nice to hear the the clacking of the hydram pumping water 24 hrs. a day again. It had been off for a few years because the parts were so inordinately expensive. Friends in Scotland very kindly paid for all the spare parts and it is now working well delivering 40,000 litres per day.

They ask for prayer  that they be kept from malaria and other illnesses in this hot humid weather that the insects just love.



Please remember Indian believers who have been caught up in the devastation of cyclone Hudhud in Odisha state. It is known that some believers have lost their homes and others face repairing considerable damage to their properties. A number of assembly halls have also been damaged.



As the conflict in Iraq and Syria continues apace there are many believers involved in helping refugees. Vast numbers of displaced and desperate people are pouring over their nearest international border to escape the ruthless hand of I.S. In their flight they have left behind all of their worldly possessions and have nothing to live from.

Some of the families concerned have members who are physically or mentally disabled as a result of the conflict, or are elderly and infirm. Accommodation suitable for these groups is difficult to find in these circumstances.

Please pray that believers in these areas will be able to help and ‘show kindness to them’ for the Lord’s sake.


Jonathan and Jingle Bradford (Manila) - would value prayer for the family of one of the young women from the discipleship groups, who went to be with the Lord in August after having been stabbed 13 times outside her house. She had been praying that the Lord would show her a way to clearly share the gospel message with her unbelieving family, and this prayer was answered at the funeral where the gospel message was clearly presented.

Please also pray for two retreats that will run in November, one for couples, and another for singles. Many who will attend these events will be hearing the gospel for the first time.



Peter and Peggy Ferry (Phuket) report that over the past year they have been building accommodation adjacent to theur new place of worship. This new building will be used for camps and will accommodate around 100.  God willing they will have a Dedication Service for this new work on the 15th of November. On that occasion they expect to have full time workers and elders from all the assemblies in Thailand,  plus some  brothers and sisters from Malaysia. They will also use the building for seminars and a Bible School which they plan to start at the beginning of next year. Their plan is to have leaders come for study four days a week and then go back to their churches at the weekend. Peter will share the teaching with a Thai worker.  They would value prayer for all that is planned.


Enris and Sylvia Nase (Tirana) – Please pray for a man who has been attending every Sunday Bible study and Thursday prayer meeting following an outreach event hosted by the church; they would love to see him know salvation. Please also remember in prayer a young lady who has attended the Gospel meeting often over the past few years. Enris and Sylvia plan to meet with her each week to discuss the Bible further; they are earnestly praying for her to come to faith.

Colin & Elida Stephen (Shkoder)  ask for prayer for a special gospel outreach during  December.  They plan to have some special services in the hall, as well as numerous activities with the children & youth for distribution of the Samaritan's Purse gifts.  Please pray that they would see some come to salvation. They have a number that attend the services regularly but have never made professions of faith.


Mike and Alison Packer (Laval) would value prayer for three baptisms—Ann, Jocelyn and Pernille—due to take place on the 16th of November.  Pray this would it be a blessing to all the family and friends who attend. Please also pray for Sonia who still hasn’t made her final decision about baptism.

Allan and Anne Kitt (Le Havre) would value prayer for a lady who has recently started to attend a monthly women’s meeting run by Anne. She is a Roman Catholic and has been asking interesting questions about the evangelical faith.

Graham and Alison Black (Bouc bel Air) - Please continue to pray for the Voice of the Gospel. Another batch of messages have been sent out to around 50 radio stations across the French-speaking world, totalling a potential audience of 460,000,000. Please also pray for 5 people who have started attending a follow-up Bible study to the Alpha course that run before the summer. The course looks at the Gospel of Mark and is based on the Christianity Explored studies. Please pray that those who attend will realise their need for salvation.


David and Kay Stevens (DPG 1970-2012) would appreciate prayer for the ongoing Open Air witness in Dublin City centre. Recently his colleague, Mickey Walker, had the joy of seeing a Spanish gentleman come to Christ.

Colin and Rosemary Sheldon (Dublin) - Please continue to pray for the ongoing work among ladies, those who come to the monthly Coffee Hour and to the monthly Bible studies in the Assembly. Please also pray for the 8 ladies who attend the weekly Bible studies every Wednesday, currently studying the book of Romans.

Andy and Ruth Hamilton (Rome) – Please pray for the Christianity Explored course they are offering to people in the area. So far the numbers have been few;  however, they continue to pray that more will attend.

Niklas and Ellen Kreander (Skien) - Ellen is quite poorly. She got a disease from a tick bite which caused an infection of the nervous system, and has been really ill. She came out of hospital at the end of October but is still very weak. Please pray for all of the family during this difficult time and especially for Ellen, that her health will improve. Give thanks God used Ellen to point a Norwegian lady to Christ in hospital.