



Civic Opening














Civic Opening






JUNE  2014


Joy Griffiths (Gaborone) gives thanks that a Sunday school class held at local flats three times a week, has had an increased attendance, and some mums and neighbours have joined in the Bible lesson. Pray that many of the children and parents would continue to take part and come to know Christ through this ministry.





Paul and Dorothy Grieve (Murchison) have been encouraged by the number of Emmaus courses being returned from the prisons, and ask us to pray that many of these prisoners will come to faith in Christ.




Hazel Andrews (DPG 1970-2003) left the UK on 14th May for a three week trip to Chingola where she will be based with Phil and Hilda Cracknell at Amano Christian School. Pray for safety of travel, good health and that she will be a blessing and an encouragement to those she meets.

Deryck Jones (Bulawayo) – In 1970  Z graduated from Bible School in Zimbabwe and returned to his home in J, where he used his training and knowledge to start an assembly. At Easter Deryck visited J and witnessed six people baptised. Pray for the believers in this small assembly. This is one of the places that have received aid over the past few years in the form of seed and fertiliser.

Pray for Jo, who has relocated to M where there is no building but believers meet outside or in homes to study God’s Word. They also receive seed and fertiliser. Give thanks that in answer to prayer there has been good rains this season, which should provide a good harvest.


Walter and Elizabeth Alexander (Marciano de Avila) have recently begun a Bible study for young married men, and seven have been attending. Pray for these men that they will be able to attend regularly, grasp the important truths of Scripture, and hence be better equipped to serve the Lord and the local assembly.


Peter Smith asks for prayer specifically for the work of the Postal Bible School, as they are currently experiencing some real challenges that are keeping them much before the Lord!



Enris Nase (Tirana) reports that the small Assembly he attends is celebrating its 3rd year.  They have gone through many challenges but equally the Lord has given them many victories. Each Thursday evening he ministers on the book Acts, in detail, to see how the early disciples responded when faced with different challenges.

He continues with the prison ministry with 20 inmates coming along to hear the Gospel, and to learn English. They are also able to help families linked to the prisoners, by sending them food parcels and other items, wood for burning, etc.

The preparatory work for the Bible Exhibition is now completed, and it is hoped that very soon it will be in use.

A further Emmaus course has been translated and will be added to the correspondence courses that are available.


Graham and Alison Black (Bouc Bel Air) ask prayer for Moussa and his family after a car accident involving his wife Christine and their twin boys. Moussa took over the technical side of the ‘Voice of the Gospel Ministry’ last year. Christine has some broken ribs and leg injuries, and is now in a clinic for around 2 months to receive physiotherapy. It took almost 2 hours for the accident team to cut her out of the wreckage of the car. Moussa is looking after the twins and seems to be fine.


Jonathan and Amanda Hanley (Dinan) ask prayer for the English-language Bible study now entering its third month. There are a number of believers in the area who do not speak French. Pray that these meetings will provide the Bible teaching that Christians need, as well as an opportunity for some non-Christian acquaintances to hear the Gospel.



Andrew and Gillian Shanks (Newcastle West) would appreciate our prayers as they take the Exhibition unit to share the Gospel at the Charleville North, Co Cork, show on the 28/29th June.

Gillian has had contact with N for about 5 years. Her sons attend the children’s meetings and N has attended the meetings on a few occasions. Andrew has recently had the opportunity to speak to N’s husband, M, who mentioned that he was interested in attending Gospel meetings, and there is a possibility of meeting with N and M in their home to discuss Scriptures. Pray that this couple would continue to take an interest in spiritual things and come to know Christ. In addition, they ask prayer for other contacts taking part in regular Bible study.


Colin and Rosemary Sheldon (Dublin) Pray for Rosemary as she meets with ladies attending the Coffee Hour held monthly, that there would be opportunities to share the Gospel. Colin would value prayer in the preparation of children’s messages that he will give along with using a sketch-board at caravan parks in Newcastle, Co Down (12th - 26th July).


Andrew and Lorna Burt (Enniscorthy) ask prayer for 26 teenagers who attended a weekend of outdoor activities along with hearing Bible talks and engaging in discussions afterwards, that they will continue to take a stand for Christ even when they are often the only believers in the family. In addition, prayer is asked for E who is planning to be baptised, and for B whose wife recently died. Pray that God would comfort B, help him to rebuild his life, and as he attends the assembly and Bible studies, he would come to put his faith in Christ.


Mike & Shirley McKillen, Gorey ask prayer for the DeGroff family visiting them from Kansas USA. Scott DeGroff will be teaching in Gorey and other local Assemblies throughout June, on a weekly basis.

Mike asks for prayer for suitable new premises for the Assembly to meet in. Their current lease expires this year.


Noel & Liza McMeekin (Drum) ask for prayer that hearts will be prepared to receive the Word of God as they distribute 18,000 gospel tracts in local towns and villages during June. In the past there have been quite a few negative and aggressive responses.



Alan and Sheila Park.  Last year 8 projects were completed by the Brass Tacks teams. In 2014, as well as the smaller projects, Brass Tacks hope to achieve 3 large projects in Africa. Pray for all those involved, full time workers and many volunteers, in the administration, teaching and practical work in connection with these projects. Pray for safety in travel, in the workshops and on site, and that through these projects Christian values would prevail and be a witness to many.