



Civic Opening














Civic Opening






JULY  2014


Ruth Hadley (Saurimo) asks prayer that she will find the sufficient time needed for preparation of the three main Bible study groups that she runs. When demands of day to day life are so many, and in an area where people are petrified by witchcraft claims or accusations, the importance that each endeavour is done in the strength of Christ becomes even more paramount.






Colin & Christine Raggett (Palapye). Please remember in prayer a visit of Jack & Lillian Hay for 2 weeks of meetings from the 5th of July. He will preach the gospel in Serowe and have 3 ministry meetings in Francistown God willing on Saturday 12th July. There will be 5 afternoon Bible Study sessions; he will give Bible teaching 10 times DV including the conference and will preach the gospel 12 times including the school visits and Bible Class. The final weekend of their visit will be spent down in Gaborone where Jack will help also in their 3 day conference in the will of the Lord.



Paul and Dorothy Grieve (Murchison) –During the month of July forty young adults attending the assembly will be running a Youth Camp. Pray for encouragement and a building up of faith for the young people leading and that many would be challenged and blessed as the Word is presented each day. In addition, Paul and Dorothy would value prayer for a trip to Zambia where they have been asked to share in the ministry of the Word at a conference and in subsequent meetings.




Jamie and Marilyn McIlree (Chingola) give thanks that they are once again able to visit the prisons, after having been unable to do so for a few months. They also visit three local markets each week, engaging in conversations with the locals and distributing books and Bibles.

Tim and Joy Beer (Loloma) advise that the camp and conference season is going well, having had a number of youth camps and also Bible teaching conferences at Samafunda Centre. Each of these lasts for 4 or 5 days, and there is a great opportunity to reach young people with the Gospel at the camps, and at the Bible conferences to teach believers from the local churches in the area. A number of similar activities will follow in the next 2-3 months for which they would value prayer. In addition, they ask prayer for the daily presentation of the gospel through the wards in the hospital, and also the devotionals that are held with the staff twice a week. The ongoing vision is to meet not only the physical needs, but to also spread the truth of the Gospel for spiritual healing.

Ian and Marilyn Campbell (Chingola) – The new ladies group that began with a group of believers studying the Bible, has become a mix of believers and unbelievers and created an opportunity for witness. Pray that these studies would challenge and change those who don’t know Christ and encourage those who do.

Eric and Margaret McCaughren (Kitwe)Pray for the Bible studies held each week at the School of Nursing, Vocational Training College, College of Education and Mukuba University. Several young people from the assembly are being encouraged to consider starting a Bible study in another college. Please pray about these matters.



John and Claudette Axford (Tupi Paulista) –A bank manager from a nearby town visited their home to thank them personally for a Gospel booklet that had been distributed to bank staff. Pray that they will read the contents and be challenged and want to learn more about salvation in Christ. Gospel booklets distributed by believers in Tupi to local farming areas have received expressions of thanks for the interest shown in their spiritual well-being. Pray that these people would come to understand the hope they can have in Christ.


Luis and Annelaure Mostacero (Trujillo)– Each week a Bible Study is held for school mums when approximately ten ladies attend. Prayer is asked that they will enlarge their vision of God and put their trust in Him. In addition, during the month of July Luis will be teaching at the Bible Institute in Trujillo and would value prayer for the teachers, and pastoral care of the students.


Enris and Sylvia Nase (Tirana) – At the beginning of June the first Bible exhibition was held in a small town in the north of Albania and they have further bookings arranged. Pray that this tool may be used to bring an understanding of the Bible and its message of salvation.



Di Barry (Cesky Tesin) asks prayer for the completion of a project producing a small booklet, translated from English to Czech, to aid understanding and encourage prayer for Vietnamese Christians. It contains stories of Vietnamese Christians, the struggles they face in their own country and ways the Gospel can be and is being shared. In addition, please pray for a project, in its early stages, to translate simplified missionary biographies for children into Polish and Czech, to encourage mission interest from childhood.



Colin and Rosemary Sheldon (Dublin) – Pray for the distribution of 1000 copies of the Gospel magazine ‘4you’ to be delivered in the next few months into homes in the locality of the assembly.

Mike McKillen (Gorey). Over the period 21st July to 8th August they plan to have their annual 3 weeks of outreach teams. These involve four 5-day Bible Clubs, one week of door to door work and, for the first time, a Teen club. Pray for the power of the Lord in salvation and the edifying of the assembly.


Erion and Victoria Pici (Marsciano)Pray for them as they travel with a group from Marsciano to their home church in Dinas Powys, Wales from 4th - 9th July. Pray that the visit would be a blessing both to the group and to those who host them.

Patrizio and Jennifer Zucchetto (Northern Ireland) – From 30th June - 5th July they will be leading a GLO Italian team with a team from the local church  in Bacoli (Naples), distributing John’s Gospels to homes in the local area, and holding a book table in Solofra market from 28th – 5th July. During the weekend 12th-13th July a mission weekend is being held in Naples with the help of 29 Americans from Teen Mission. There will be open air activities, church events and distribution of Gospel literature. Pray for all those involved in these events, that many would be interested in receiving literature, engaging in conversations, and listening to the Gospel messages.