



Civic Opening














Civic Opening








Brian Howden returned to Angola on the 5th Nov. for 4 weeks. He particularly asks prayer  for:

¨ Safety in travel on the long drive to Saurimo, 6th & 7th November, with a planned night stop at Malange.

¨ For the safe transport of a replacement generator from Luanda to Camundambla on the 7th November on a hired truck.

¨ For the prompt issuing of paperwork in Saurimo allowing him to start the process of a visa application for Iain Mathie (Ely) to visit Angola in January 2014.

¨ Monday 11th November: Long drive most of which is off road to the Camaxilo for the next phase of the installation of a water pump providing water to the village. This visit will last as long as is necessary to complete the work in hand.

¨ Pray for the evening meetings while in Camaxilo, as hundreds of believers from surrounding assemblies will gather each day for Bible teaching.            

¨ Pray for the annual Bible conference at Camundambala, from the  29th Nov – 1st Dec., that help will be given to bring relevant and needed teaching from the Word of God.


Steve Harper is due to leave again for Malawi on the 25th November. 30,000 Gospel calendars have been shipped there at the beginning of October, and we’re asked to pray that they might arrive whilst Steve is there. There are also 45,000 Gospel magazines awaiting distribution

William and Eunice Rea (Moshi) ask prayer for 20 students who have completed the foundation course at Berea Bible College and will return next year for a further eight months of intermediate study. Pray that as they return to their churches, work, and homes, they will be better equipped to serve the Lord.


Steve & Gill Davies (Dar-es-Salaam)  ask for prayer as they prepare children  to recite Matt 1:18-25 to their parents at the Christmas assembly on the 26th November.

Geoffrey and Pat Atkinson (senior workers) – The Karen/English 2nd Edition New Testament is in the final stages of preparation. Within two and a half months they expect 3,000 copies to be printed. Pray that this process will go well and that the books will be a means to bring readers to Christ.



Clive and Hazel Walker (Santiago) – A shipment of 60,000 scripture calendars and 100,000 tracts in Spanish, as well as material in Chinese has left Belfast for Panama.  Pray for safe delivery and that the shipment will be released quickly and easily on arrival.

Colin and Elida Stephens (Shkoder) would value prayer for the 13 people taking part in the Bible School Project which began recently. The project, from IBEI in Rome sends teachers for 2 weekends every 3 months and the students study over a period of 4 years. Pray that this will cause them to grow in their love for the Lord and will develop their spiritual gifts.  At the end of each year they will take part in a practical project at their home church.

Anne Dryburgh (Kuurne) asks prayer for 4 women she meets with for discipleship. All of them suffer from various difficulties in their lives and are struggling to make decisions regarding the Lord. Pray for them, and for Anne that she would know how best to respond and help them.






Ruth Cushing – The Toxteth Women’s Centre is now planned to open again on 11th November and Ruth would appreciate prayer for this, and for identifying new trustees and volunteers in the crèche.

Graham and Alison Black (Bouc-Bel-Air - Another set of programmes has been sent to various radio stations around the French speaking world that are willing to broadcast them. Pray that these programmes will be a rich blessing to all who listen.

Jonathan and Amanda Hanley (Dinan) - Several writing projects including a series of Bible-reading notes for teens and a chapter in a new book ‘How to Live as a Christian’ will soon appear on the internet.  Pray that many would find this an encouragement and help in their faith.

William and Liz Irwin (Nantes) have been encouraged by their first weekly Bible discovery group which began recently. 9 people attended, 5 of whom were looking at the Bible for the first time. The study was a background introduction, and as they left expressed a desire to come again. Pray that they will return and soon see their need of a Saviour.

Colin and Rosemary Sheldon (Dublin) – Colin  continues with the ‘Bible Explorer’ in 19 Primary Schools in SW Dublin, teaching 55 programmes each lasting 5 weeks.  Pray for freshness each time Colin teaches, and that God’s Word will make a great impact on the children. Rosemary would also value prayer for the very elderly ladies who attend the Coffee Hour, that in their late years they will be challenged by the Gospel.

Andy and Gillian Shanks (Newcastle West)– Please continue to pray for the Parent and Toddler group which Gillian and Linda Stanfield began in September. Although only a small number attend they have been attending regularly, and one mother has taken a Bible home. Pray that through this ministry Gillian and Linda would be able to reach young parents with the Gospel message.

Jonathan and Naomi Dieter (Beirut) – Jonathan has taken on some extra teaching with the help of a newly-hired teaching assistant.  He is concerned that the increase in his workload will mean that there is very little time for network administration and development.  Pray that Jonathan will be able to hand over some of his teaching to his assistant, freeing more time for the non-teaching side of his job.

Nat and Jennifer Rodgers (Skien) - Please continue to pray for the work in the Skien prison. The chaplain has recently notified Nat of new prisoners who have been on the waiting list and are now able to attend the studies. The challenge is again renewed as they seek to draw close to new inmates and point them in the direction of the Saviour. 

Margaret Hewitt (DPG Norway 1973-2004) asks prayer for her nephew David and his wife Helen who are mission workers in South Africa. Helen has recently been diagnosed with leukaemia. Pray for all the family at this time, and that any treatment given will be successful in bringing a good recovery.

Ken and Alison Barrett (Madrid) – Pray for the street witness in Madrid as the police patrol have raised objections to the use of the sketch-board to preach, and pray that there would be a resolution and that it would not prevent open air ministry in the future.