



Civic Opening














Civic Opening






December 2011



Brian Howden and Samuel Simonyi-Gindele (Canada) continue to serve the Lord in the area of Saurimo until the end of the first week in December. Samuel and his wife would appreciate prayer that this trip will be a guide as to whether their future service should be in Angola. Pray for safety in travel, health and stamina.


John and Yokey Roberts (Nairobi) request prayer for the distribution of 50 copies of Bert Cargill’s book ‘Tell me more about the gospel’ and Arthur G. Clarke’s book ‘New Testament Principles’. Pray, too, for the Lord’s blessing on ‘Radio Bible Class Discovery Series’ booklets and ‘Our Daily Bread’ in English and Swahili, which have also been given out. Pray that adequate supplies of good English and Swahili tracts will soon be obtained.




Jonathan and Ruth Newell (Blantyre) - Bethel Chapel plans to run a camp for young people next Easter, and would value prayer for the preparations. They have yet to finalise a location. ZAMBIA

Eric and Margaret McCaughren (Kitwe) ask prayer for three groups helping orphans and deprived children. Pray that there will be committed believers willing to dedicate their time and abilities to this work, and that the Lord will provide suitable staff.

Three students at Amano School have recently made professions of faith.  Prayer is asked for these young people and for all believing students who return at Christmas to non-Christian homes, often to families given to excess drinking and drunkenness.


Miriam Keyse (India 1964-01) highlights some staffing needs at Sankeshwar Mission Hospital: a Medical Superintendent and two resident Junior Doctors; pray that these needs will be met. She also mentions that four young people have been baptised; give thanks for this encouragement and pray that they will continue to grow in the things of the Lord. In December the church will be visiting homes with tracts and New Testaments; pray for blessing from this outreach.

Ken and Christine Cowell
would value prayer for meetings on December 4th and 11th at the Japanese churches in London and Milton Keynes.


Peter and Peggy Ferry (Phuket) ask prayer for Ying, a woman who has recently come into contact with some of the ladies at the assembly. She is a spirit medium and her husband has many idols around the house. She attended a Sunday meeting which proved very difficult for her, but has since asked her husband to remove the idols which now frighten her. Please remember her in prayer.  


Simon and Judy Quelch (Juiz de Fora) would appreciate prayer for three people who have told them that they have put their trust in the Lord: Dani, a student from a Spiritist family; Dani’s boyfriend Tiago; and Ivonete, in her early 40s and from a Catholic background. All three have been studying with Simon and Judy for nearly three months. Pray especially in the coming weeks for others to care for them whilst Simon and Judy are on furlough in the UK.


Luis and Anne-Laure Mostacero (Trujillo) - The weekly school mums’ Bible study and prayer group has been encouraging. Some of them have bought Bibles and devotionals. Prayer is asked for these ladies as they study. Some unbelievers have joined the Young Adults’ group, and prayer is asked that they will have a real encounter with Christ.




Graham and Alison Black (Bouc Bel Air) would value prayer concerning the project of offering students the possibility of doing Bible correspondence courses online. The message does not change, but the methods used to convey the message does, and their desire is to do this as effectively as possible. Pray also for Moussa and Christine ABIZAR, and their twin boys Micah and Josh, who are making preparations to take over the studio recording side of the radio ministry.

Ian and Francoise Newberry (Pierrlatte) - Prayer is requested for a major national event being organised in December called ‘Mad in France’. They are expecting over 1,500 young people to attend at the ‘Palais des Expositions’ in Valance, from 30th December to 1st January. Prayer is asked for inspiration and spiritual power for the two main speakers and artistes, and that many young Christians will invite their non-Christian friends.

Colin and Maureen Crow (Montpellier) ask prayer for the children at Tananarive orphanage in Madagascar. Five older children, who are doing well in their studies, have been baptised and are involved in leading activities in the church. Pray that they will know the Lord’s help and guidance.

Gerry and Dorothy Seed (Nantes) Dorothy would value prayer for the various ladies’ groups from the assembly which meet together twice a month for Bible reading and prayer. Pray especially that Lily will join one of these groups.

Allan and Anne Kitt (Villefranche-sur-Saone) would value prayer for the Sunday school, and for Anne as she develops the children’s work at Le Havre. At present there is only one child of Sunday school age attending.

Amanda Burger mentions that a house-mother is urgently required at l’Eau Vive, Provence. This is a key role at the centre, so pray that the Lord will provide someone suitable. Pray, too, for Claire, the director’s wife, who will take on this role on a temporary basis, despite having two young children at home. Also, from December onwards there will be no “au pairs”. Their help is invaluable for the centre’s full programme which continues into 2012, with a two-week Christmas break. Pray that these staffing needs will be met.

Andrew and Gillian Shanks (Newcastle West)
would appreciate prayer as the assembly in Newcastle West distributes gospel calendars into each home in the area. Along with the calendar will be a "flyer" which has a Christmas picture and text on the front and an invitation to the Christmas Carol concert (22nd December) on the reverse.  Please also pray for the annual Billboard sign which will be displayed from the 12th December for two weeks.


Regin and Heidi Guttesen (Molise) - A new weekly kid’s outreach has begun AMICI (friends’ club). The work is led by one of the local believers, Claudio, and it has encouraged the believers that more than 20 kids have attended from Pietracatella.
In order to involve believers in the ministry of evangelism, Regin has developed a 6-part weekly evangelistic Bible study series called ‘Discovering the Scriptures’, in order to help them reach out to friends and neighbours. Pray for those who are taking part.


Tim and Jenny Gooding (Cluj) – A new work has begun with the help of some of the young people from Cluj assembly. Gypsy children are invited to a Saturday school, at which they are taught Bible stories, songs and memory verses, as well as reading and writing. Some of them, even at 12 years of age, have never been to school. Pray for this new work.


Ken and Alison Barrett (Madrid) - On 15-17th December there is a national televised evangelistic campaign called. ‘My Hope’.  Organized by Billy Graham Evangelistic Association it focuses on inviting friends and contacts to homes to see one of the 3 programmes. Several families of believers have offered their homes and are now inviting contacts.  Pray for fruit from this testimony.